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that Evening to above fifteen hundred People, and ſo he continued to preach and lecture every Day, while he ſtayed in the Place, which was but four Days.—I can freely ſay, I never heard Man ſpeak like him, his Matter and Doctrine entirely Apoſtolick; chiefly inſiſting upon, and preſſing home, the abſolutely neceſſary fundamental Points and Duties of Chriſtianity, fuch as, Regeneration, Repentance, Faith in the Lord Jeſus, denying of ourſelves, and all Dependence on our own Righteouſneſs, and depending only on the Righteouſneſs of Chriſt for Juſtification, &c. He is no Party-man; but makes it his conſtant Buſineſs to eſpouſe, and gain Souls to the Lord Jeſus Chriſt in a Goſpel-way, much like the Reverend Meſſieurs Erskines in their Sonnets and Sermons, with whom he told me he keeps a Correſpondence, and whole Works he heartily recommends.—My dear Friend, I would fain hope theſe are the Beginnings of glorious Times. I cannot but think they are the Dawnings of a happy reviving Day to the formal, drowſy, drooping Churches of Chriſt throughout the World this Day. I would fain believe a Day of Power as at Hand, tho' I may not live to ſee it. Lord haſten it, haſten it; go forth with a preached Goſpel; let the Arrows of thy Word pierce and ſink deep in the Hearts of Sinners, that they may fall proſtrate at the Throne of thy Grace, Haſten the Day when Satan ſhalt fall as Lightning to the Ground. Come, Lord Jeſus, come quickly. With ſincere and affectionate Reſpects to ſelf, Spouſe, and all my good friends with you, I am Your very humble Servant,

John Nicol.