Page:Copyright, Its History And Its Law (1912).djvu/658

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will prepare the programme of the Conference with the assistance of the Interna- tional Ofifice.

The Director of the In- ternational Office will at- tend the sittings of the Con- to participate fe^ences, and will take part in the discussion without a deliberative voice.

Director of the Interna- tional Office

Alterations of Conven- tion must be by unanimous consent

Next Con- ference to be held at Paris

Accession of other countries

[Art. XVII, par. 3]

It is understood that no alteration in the present Convention shall be binding on the Union except by the unanimous consent of the countries comprising it.


6. The next Conference shall be held at Paris be- tween four and six years from the date of the coming into force of the Conven- tion.

The French Government will fix the date within these limits after having consult- ed the International Office.

Article XVIII Countries which have not become parties to the pre- sent Convention, and which grant by their domestic law the protection of rights se- cured by this Convention, shall be admitted to accede

of the International Office. The Director of the Inter- national Office attends the sittings of the Conferences, and takes part in the dis- cussion without a delibera- tive voice.

No alteration in the pre- sent Convention is binding on the Union except by the unanimous consent of the countries comprising it.

Article 25

The States outside of the Union which assure legal protection of the rights which are the object of the present Convention, may accede to it upon their re- quest.