Page:Copyright, Its History And Its Law (1912).djvu/694

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1892 Fishel V. Lueckel U. S. C. C. J. Townsend, S3 F- R- 499

Appropriation of part of a work an infringement, 244 1892 Fuller II. Bemis U. S. C. C. J. Lacombe, s° F- R- 926

Skirt dance not a dramatic composition, 177 1892 Lamb v. Evans Ct. App. L. J. Lindley, [1893], i Ch. 21S

Copyright in sheet of advertisements upheld, 74 1892 Lee V. Gibbings Chancery J. Kekewich, 8 T. L. R. 773

Injury to author's repute question of libel not of copyright, 274 1892 Lucas 11. Williams Ct. App. L. Esher, L. R. [1892] 2 Q. B.

"3 Photograph of engraving infringes original painting, 243, 274 1892 Walter v. Stein- Chancery J. North, [1892] 3 Ch. 489


Copyright in form of news protectable, 89, 259. Copying two- fiftlis of newspaper article, "unfair use," 259

1892 Daly V. Webster U. S. C. C. App. J. Lacombe, s6 F. R. 483

Infringement by single situation from dramatic work, 191; change of sub-title after copyrighting immaterial, 192

1893 U. S. enabling act (deposit)

1893 Black V. Allen U. S. C. C. J. Townsend, 56 F. R. 764

Inclusion of copyright material in non-copyright work does not vitiate copyright, 261 ; copyright may be transferred to foreign owner, 261; variation from registered title on use in cyclo- paedia immaterial, 261

1893 Falk V. Donaldson U. S. C. C. J. Townsend, 57 F. R. 3a

Differences in lithographic reproduction of photograph not a de- fense, 244

1893 Falk V. Cast U.S. C.C. App. J. Shipman, S4 F. R. 890

Miniature samples not a publication of picture. Affirming Falk

V. Cast, 23s

1893 Falk V. Heffron U. S. C. C. J. Wheeler, 56 F. R. 299

"Sheets" defined — copyright law must be strictly construed

as to forfeiture and penalties, 271

1893 French D. Day et al. Queen's Bench J. Kennedy, 9 T. L. R. 54S Proprietor, not manager, of theatre responsible defendant, 193

1893 Hanfstaengl v. Queen's Bench J. Charles, [1893] 2 Q. B. i

Ilolloway Registration and deposit not requisite, 313

1893 Macdonald 11. West. Co. Ct. Copinger 782

National Review

Printers' proof sent by publisher to author implies acceptance of ms., 442

1893 Reichardt v. Sapte Queen's Bench J. Hawkins, [1893] 2 Q. B. 308 Similar play previously written but later performed cannot be enjoined, 187