- (viii) photographic works;
- (ix) computer program works.
- (2) Current news reports and miscellaneous reports having the character of mere communications of facts shall not fall within the term "works" as provided in item (i) listed in the preceding paragraph.
- (3) The protection granted by this Act to works provided in paragraph (1), item (ix) shall not extend to any computer programming language, rule or algorithm used for creating such work. For the purpose of this provision, the following terms shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them, respectively, in each of the items below:
- (i) "computer programming language" means letters and other symbols, as well as the systems for their use, as a means of expressing a computer program;
- (ii) "[computer programming] rule" means a special rule with respect to how to use a particular computer program's computer programming language (as defined in the preceding item);
- (iii) "[computer programming] algorithm" means the method of combining, in a computer program, the instructions given to a computer.
(Derivative works)
Article 11
- The protection granted by this Act to derivative works shall not affect the rights of an author to the original work.
Article 12
- (1) Compilations (not falling within the term "databases"; the same shall apply hereinafter) which, by reason of the selection or arrangement of their contents, constitute intellectual creations shall be protected as independent works.
- (2) The provision set forth in the preceding paragraph shall not affect the rights of the author to each of works forming a part of the compilations set forth in said paragraph.
(Database works)
Article 12-2
- (1) Databases which, by reason of the selection or systematic construction of information contained therein, constitute intellectual creations shall be protected as independent works.
- (2) The provision set forth in the preceding paragraph shall not affect the rights of an author to a work which constitutes a part of a database set forth in said paragraph.
(Works not protected)
Article 13
- A work falling under any of the following items apply shall not