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Page:Copyright Act of Japan (2006).djvu/17

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or remodeling;

(iii) a modification which is necessary to enable the use on a particular computer of a computer program work that is otherwise unusable on such computer, or to make more effective use of a computer program work on a computer;
(iv) in addition to those listed in the preceding three items, modifications that are considered unavoidable in light of the nature of a work as well as the purpose of and the manner of its exploitation.
Subsection 3 Types of Rights Comprising a Copyright

(Right of reproduction)
Article 21

The author shall have the exclusive right to reproduce his work.

(Right of performance)
Article 22

The author shall have the exclusive right to perform his work publicly ("publicly" means for the purpose of making a work seen or heard directly by the public; the same shall apply hereinafter).

(Right of screen presentation)
Article 22-2

The author shall have the exclusive right to make his work publicly available by screen presentation.

(Rights of public transmission, etc.)
Article 23

(1) The author shall have the exclusive right to effect a public transmission of his work (including, in the case of automatic public transmission, making his work transmittable).
(2) The author shall have the exclusive right to communicate publicly any work of his which has been publicly transmitted, by means of a receiving appara.us receiving such public transmission.

(Right of recitation)
Article 24

The author of a literary work shall have the exclusive right to recite his work publicly.

(Right of exhibition)
Article 25

The author of an artistic work or of an unpublished photographic work shall have the exclusive right to exhibit the original of his work publicly.

(Rights of distribution)
Article 26

(1) The author of a cinematographic work shall have the exclusive