Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/1023

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition


Current Mailing Address or Year of Death Required

The vested owner's current address should be provided unless the vested owner is deceased or defunct (in the case of an organization] at the time of renewal registration. In that case the applicant should provide the year of death (if the vested owner was an individual] or dissolution (if the vested owner was an organizational entity].

2115.5(J) Vested Owner Is Deceased or Defunct at Time of Renewal Registration

If the vested owner is deceased or defunct at the time of renewal registration, the renewal registration record must identify the current owner of the renewal copyright. If it is unclear how or when the renewal copyright was derived from the vested owner, see Section 2115.6(C].

A renewal claim filed during the renewal term may identify the current owner (assignee or successor] of the renewal copyright, provided that it also identifies the vested owner. 17 U.S.C. § 3 04 (a] (3] (A] (ii] (allowing assignees or successors to register a claim to the renewed and extended term of copyright "if application is made in the name of" the vested owner]. When the vested owner is deceased or defunct (as in the case of an organization] at the time of renewal registration, the renewal registration record must identify at least one current owner and provide information about how that party obtained the renewal copyright from the vested owner.

When the renewal registration identifies the current owner of the renewal copyright, it should provide the full legal name and the current address at the time of renewal registration. When the party is commonly known by an alternative designation, that designation should also be provided.

When the current owner of the renewal copyright is identified, the renewal registration must provide information about how the renewal copyright was acquired. Examples of acceptable transfer statements:

• By assignment from the vested owner dated (date].

• Successor under the will of (by intestate succession from] the vested owner.

• By assignment from (name of party], successor by merger of the vested owner.

• By assignment dated (date] from (name of party], assignee of the vested owner by assignment.


Current Owner Information


Full Legal Name and Address for Current Owner

2115.6(B) Acceptable Transfer Statements

Chapter 2100 : 33


Chapter _00 : 33