Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/1087

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

The term "All Rights Reserved" or the like is not an element of the notice prescribed by U.S. law, and it is not an acceptable variant or substitute for the word "copyright" or the abbreviation "Copr." The same is true for similar statements in other languages, such as "Todos los Derechos Reservados." However, the use of such terms in juxtaposition with an acceptable notice is permitted.


• Copyright 1986 Frontier Medicine. All Rights Reserved.

• © 1988 Abigail Villagros de Izaguirra. Todos los Derechos Reservados.

2205 Elements of Notice

2205.1 Year

2205.1(A) Year of Publication

As a general rule, the notice on visually perceptible copies and on phonorecords of sound recordings must include the year of first publication. The notice on copies of a compilation or derivative work incorporating previously published material only requires the year of first publication for the compilation or derivative work. 17 U.S.C. §§ 401(b)(2), 402(b)(2).

A notice may be accepted if the year of publication is presented in any of the following forms:

Arabic numerals [e.g., 1981).

Abbreviations of Arabic numerals [e.g., '81).

Roman numerals [e.g., MCMLXXXI).

Numeric words [e.g., Nineteen Hundred Eighty-One).

The year of first publication followed by multiple year dates [e.g., 1981, 1982, 1983).

2205.1(B) Year of Publication Omitted

If a U.S. work was publicly distributed by authority of the copyright owner between January 1, 1978 and February 28, 1989, and if the copies or phonorecords contain no year date that could reasonably be regarded as part of the notice, the U.S. Copyright Office considers the work to be published without any notice.

2205.1(C) Antedated Notice: Date in the Notice Earlier than the Actual Year of First Publication

An antedated notice is a notice that contains a date that is earlier than the year that the work was first published.

Chapter 2200 : 11


Chapter _00 : 11