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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

the heading "Additional titles (per group of 10 or fewer titles)." The amount of the additional filing fee is based on the number of titles listed in the notice.

For general guidance in calculating the filing fee for notices that contain two or more titles, see Factsheet SL 4d, Calculating Fees for Recording Documents and Notices of Termination in the Copyright Office. For guidance in identifying the number of titles listed in a notice, see Sections 2309.11(B)(1) through 2309.11(B)(5). For information concerning the methods for paying the filing fee, see Chapter 1400, Sections 1403.3 through 1403.5.

2310.8 Withdrawing a Notice of Termination

On occasion a party serves a notice of termination on a grantee, records the notice with the U.S. Copyright Office, and then subsequently enters into a written agreement with the grantee whereby the terminating party expressly agrees to withdraw the notice of termination. The Office refers to this type of document as a "withdrawal."

A withdrawal may be recorded under Section 205(a) of the Copyright Act as a document pertaining to copyright, provided that the following requirements have been met:

• The withdrawal is legible.

• The withdrawal is complete.

• The withdrawal bears the actual signature or signatures of the person or persons who executed it.

• The withdrawal is submitted together with the correct filing fee. See 17 U.S.C. § 205(a); 37 C.F.R. § 201.4(c).

The legibility, completeness, signature, and filing fee requirements are discussed in more detail in Sections 2309.8 through 2309.11. If a withdrawal does not comply with these requirements, the recordation specialist may communicate with the remitter or may refuse to record the document.

The remitter should submit a signed copy of the withdrawal to the following address together with the appropriate filing fee:

U.S. Copyright Office Notices of Termination P.O. Box 71537 Washington, DC 20024-1537

For information concerning the procedure for calculating the filing fee, see Section 2310.7(D).

When preparing a withdrawal, parties are strongly encouraged to attach a copy of the notice of termination to the document, and if the notice has been recorded, to provide

Chapter 2300 : 65


Chapter _00 : 65