Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/1212

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

2409.2 Records That May Be Certified

2409.2(A) Search Reports

RRCS will certify any search report that has been prepared by the U.S. Copyright Office. For information concerning search reports prepared by RRCS staff, see Section 2406.2.

2409.2(B) Certificates of Registration

The original copy of a certificate of registration is a certified copy of that record, but a photocopy or other reproduction of the original certificate is not considered a certified copy.

As discussed in Section 2408, the Office will issue an additional certificate of registration to any member of the public upon request. An additional certificate of registration, like the original certificate of registration, is considered a certified copy, but a photocopy or other reproduction of an additional certificate is not.

Although a separate certification is not required for the original copy of a certificate issued by the Office, RRCS will issue a so called "double certification" for these types of records if requested to do so.

RRCS will issue a certified copy of a cancelled registration that has been cancelled by the Office, although as discussed in Section 2408, it will not issue an additional certificate for a registration that has been cancelled.

2409.2(C) Registration Records

RRCS will certify records related to claims that have been registered or refused by the U.S. Copyright Office, including completed applications and any written communications between the applicant and the Office.

Records related to pending applications may be certified, provided that the request is submitted by the claimant named in the application or an authorized representative of the copyright claimant. This includes the application and any written communications between the applicant and the Office concerning the claim. It also includes any request for reconsideration that is currently pending before the Office.

A certification for these types of records typically contains the following information:

• A photocopy of the record specified in the request.

• A certified statement that identifies the records.

• The signature of the Register of Copyrights.

• The official seal of the U.S. Copyright Office.

• The date of the certification.

Chapter 2400 : 25


Chapter _00 : 25