Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/1241

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

Public Law 106-113, were never enacted, and without regard to any inaction or awareness by the Congress at any time of any judicial determinations."


Works of the Performing Arts: For purposes of copyright registration, the U.S. Copyright Office uses the term "works of the performing arts" to refer collectively to the following works of authorship: musical works, including any accompanying words; sound recordings; dramatic works, including any accompanying music; choreographic works; pantomimes; audiovisual works; and motion pictures. "This class includes all published and unpublished works prepared for the purpose of being performed directly before an audience or indirectly by means of a device or process." 37 C.F.R. § 202.3[b](l](ii).

Works of the Visual Arts: See "Visual art works."

World Intellectual Property Organization ("WIPO"): A specialized agency of the United Nations that administers intellectual property matters of concern to the member States of the United Nations in order to ensure that the rights of creators and owners of intellectual properly are protected worldwide and that inventors and authors are, thus, recognized and rewarded for their ingenuity.

WTO: An abbreviation for "World Trade Organization."

Glossary : 22


Chapter _00 : 22