Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/198

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

612.7(G) Multiple Dates of Publication

As a general rule, the applicant should provide only one date of publication, namely, the date that the work was published for the first time. If the applicant provides multiple publication dates, the registration specialist will communicate with the applicant to determine the date of first publication for the work described in the application.

By contrast, the applicant may be asked to provide a range of dates when completing an application for a group registration, such as a group of published photographs. For a discussion of group registration options, see Chapter 1100.

612.7(H) Future Date of Publication

As a general rule, the date of first publication cannot be later than the date that an online application is certified or the date that the application is received by the U.S. Copyright Office. The electronic registration system will not accept an online application where the submission date precedes the date of publication. If the applicant provides a future date of publication in a paper application, the registration specialist will communicate with the applicant to determine whether the work has been published, and if so, whether publication occurred on the date specified in the application.


  • On January 1st, the applicant submits a paper application and states that the work will be published on February 1st. The registration specialist examines the application on June 1st. The specialist will communicate with the applicant to determine if the work was, in fact, published on the date specified in the application.

612.7(I) Impossible or Impractical Date of Publication

If the applicant provides a date of publication that does not exist, or a date that is impossible or impractical based on information provided elsewhere in the registration materials, the registration specialist will ask the applicant to explain the discrepancy.


  • The date of first publication given on the application is September 31, 2010.
  • The date of first publication is earlier than the year of the author’s birth specified in the application.
  • The date of first publication is earlier than the year of completion specified in the application.

612.7(J) Nation of First Publication: Works Published in Multiple Countries

If the work was first published in the United States and another country on the same date, the applicant should provide United States as the nation of first publication.

Chapter 600 : 66