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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

justifications listed in Section 623.2 (i.e., pending or prospective litigation; customs matters; contract or publishing deadlines). In addition, the party making the request must provide a signed statement certifying that the information contained in the letter is correct to the best of his or her knowledge.

The letter should be clearly labeled “Special Handling” and should be delivered to the Public Information Office together with the following items:

Special handling for copyright registration:

  • An appropriate application to register the claim to copyright.
  • The appropriate deposit copy(ies), phonorecords, or identifying material for the claim to copyright.
  • The appropriate filing fee or deposit account number.
  • The special handling fee or deposit account number.

Special handling for copyright recordation:

  • The transfer or other document pertaining to copyright that is being submitted for recordation.
  • The appropriate document recordation fee or deposit account number.
  • The special handling fee or deposit account number.

The Public Information Office is located in Room LM-401 of the James Madison Memorial Building of the Library of Congress, 101 Independence Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20559, and is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time (except for federal holidays). Please be advised that visitors to the U.S. Copyright Office must pass through security before entering the building, and that sealed packages or packages that are more than twenty-four inches wide by fifteen inches high are not permitted.

For more information on visiting the Office, see Chapter 200, Section 204.1(B)(3).

623.5(C) Requests Delivered by Courier or by Mail

Although it is strongly discouraged, applicants may submit a request for special handling by mail, or if the package exceeds certain measurements, by courier. When submitting a request by mail applicants should send all of the required materials as follows:

To submit a request for special handling by U.S. mail or by private courier, the party making the request should prepare a letter containing the information set forth in Section 623.5(B). The letter should be sent to the U.S. Copyright Office together with the

Chapter 600 : 230