Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/382

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Compendium: Chapter 700

Literary Works

701 What This Chapter Covers

This Chapter discusses the U.S. Copyright Office’s practices and procedures for the examination and registration of literary works. For information and instructions on completing an application to register a literary work (or any other type of work), see the following Chapters:

  • For a general overview of the registration process, see Chapter 200.
  • For a discussion of copyrightable subject matter, see Chapter 300.
  • For guidance in determining who may file the application and who may be named as the copyright claimant, see Chapter 400.
  • For guidance in identifying the work that will be submitted for registration, see Chapter 500.
  • For instructions on completing the application, see Chapter 600.
  • For guidance on the filing fee, see Chapter 1400.
  • For guidance on submitting the deposit copy(ies), see Chapter 1500.

702 The Literary Division

The Literary Division (“LIT”) of the U.S. Copyright Office handles applications to register literary works. The registration specialists in this division specialize in the examination and registration of these types of works, including serials, databases, and computer programs.

703 What Is a Literary Work?

The Copyright Act defines a literary work as “works, other than audiovisual works, expressed in words, numbers, or other verbal or numerical symbols or indicia, regardless of the nature of the material objects, such as books, periodicals, manuscripts, phonorecords, film, tapes, disks, or cards, in which they are embodied.” 17 U.S.C. § 101.

A literary work is a nondramatic work that explains, describes, or narrates a particular subject, theme, or idea through the use of narrative, descriptive, or explanatory text, rather than dialog or dramatic action. Generally, nondramatic literary works are intended to be read; they are not intended to be performed before an audience. Examples of nondramatic literary works include the following types of works:

Chapter 700 : 5