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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition


808.3(C) 808.3(D)

808.4 808.4(A)


808.4(C) 808.4(D)

Device Needed for Viewing

The series of related images are "by their nature, intended for showing by means of projectors or other devices." H.R. Rep. No. 94-1476, at 56 (1976], reprinted in 1976 U.S.C.C.A.N. at 5669; S. Rep. No. 94-473, at 54 (1975). Such devices may include disc and cassette players, as well as electronic equipment and devices that play digital files, such as computers and cell phones.

Sound Not Required

While moving images are required for a work to be considered a motion picture, sounds are not required. If the work contains sound, the soundtrack is considered an integral part of the motion picture. See Section 808.4Q].

Single, Integrated Work

A motion picture, including its production, direction, cinematography, performances, and editing is a single, integrated work. Generally, a motion picture must be registered as a whole, with the possible exception of the screenplay and musical score. The individual elements that comprise a motion picture cannot be registered apart from the work as a whole. For example, one actor's performance in a television show may not be registered apart from the rest of the motion picture.

Elements of Motion Picture Authorship


Production is an all-inclusive term for the various operations involved in movie making, particularly during the phase in which the principal photography occurs. Production authorship includes important decision-making about all aspects of the motion picture that affects the outcome of the final motion picture, including writing, directing, camera work, and editing.


Direction refers to the creative aspects, both interpretive and technical, used in a motion picture production. Direction may include orchestrating the action in front of the camera, guiding the acting and dialog, controlling the camera position and movement, selecting the sound and lighting, and overseeing the editing, all of which contribute to the finished motion picture.


Cinematography is the art of motion picture photography in which moving images are captured. The chief cinematographer for a motion picture often is called the director of photography.


Performance refers to the acting, speaking, singing, or dancing in a motion picture.

Chapter 800 : 105


Chapter _00 : 105