Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/650

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

Recorded sounds:

• Sound recording

• Performance

• Production

Audiovisual content:

• Audiovisual work

• Motion picture

For a definition and discussion of these terms, see Chapter 600, Section 618.4(C).

To register a computer program or a database that is contained or embedded within a website, the applicant should follow the instructions set forth in Chapter 700, Sections 721.9(F) and 727.3(D).

To register a derivative work, the applicant should describe the new material that the author contributed to the website using appropriate terms, such as "new photographs," "updated text," "revised artwork," "additional music," or the like.

If the applicant intends to register the authorship involved in selecting, coordinating, and/or arranging the content that appears on a website, the applicant may use any of the terms listed below, provided that they accurately describe the copyrightable authorship that appears in the deposit copy(ies). In most cases, the Office will accept combinations or variant forms of these terms, unless they are contradicted by information provided in the deposit copy(ies) or elsewhere in the registration materials.

• Compilation of [specify material that has been selected, coordinated, and/or arranged, e.g., "compilation of text and artwork"].

• Selection, coordination, and/or arrangement of [specify material that has been selected, coordinated, and/or arranged, e.g. "selection and arrangement of text and photographs"].

For additional guidance in registering compilation authorship, see Chapter 600, Section 618.6.

NOTE: Websites often contain previously published material, previously registered material, public domain material, or material owned by a third party. If the deposit copy(ies) contain an appreciable amount of unclaimable material, then as discussed in Section 1009.8 the applicant should exclude that material from the claim. For information concerning this procedure, see Section 1009.8.

1009.6(B) Unclear Terminology for an Application to Register Website Content

The applicant should clearly identify the authorship that will be submitted for registration and the claim to copyright in that authorship should be clearly stated. Specifically, the applicant should identify the copyrightable authorship that the author

Chapter 1000 : 37


Chapter _00 : 37