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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

concerning the deposit requirements for these types of works, see Chapter 1500, Sections 1509.1(C) and 1509.1(D).

The registration specialist may communicate with the applicant if the deposit appears incomplete. If the work is relatively short (based on the number of printed pages or downloaded pages that will be submitted), the applicant should submit the entire website and should provide a brief statement confirming that the deposit contains the complete site. This may avoid the need to communicate with the applicant to determine whether the entire work has been submitted. When completing an online application, the applicant may provide this information in the Note to Copyright Office field. When completing a paper application, the applicant may provide this information in a cover letter.

1010.2 Deposit Requirements for Works Published Online and in Hard Copy Format

If the work was published both online and in a hard copy form [e.g., paper, discs, film, or other physically tangible media), the applicant generally should submit two complete copy(ies) or phonorecord(s) of the work as it was first published in the hard copy format. See 37 C.F.R. § 202.20(b)(1). For example, if a novel was published simultaneously as both an ebook and a hardcover book, the applicant must submit two complete copies of the hardcover edition. For information concerning the deposit requirements for works published in hard copy formats, see Chapter 1500, Sections 1507.1 and 1508.2.

For certain types of works, the applicant must comply with the best edition requirements. The criteria used to determine the best edition for a particular work are listed in the "Best Edition Statement" set forth in Appendix B to Part 202 of the Office's regulations. The Best Edition Statement is also posted on the Office's website in Circular 7B: Best Edition of Published Copyrighted Works for the Collections of the Library of Congress (

1010.3 Deposit Requirements for Unpublished Works and Works Published Solely Online

In most cases, the applicant does not need to satisfy the best edition requirements in order to register a website or to register a work that has been published solely online (although as discussed in Section 1010.6(H), there is a limited exception to this rule for electronic serials). Instead, the applicant may submit an electronic copy of the work, provided that the applicant submits the deposit in an acceptable file format. A current list of acceptable file formats is posted on the Office's website In the alternative, the applicant may submit identifying material that adequately represents the authorship claimed in the application.

The preferred formats and methods for submitting the deposit for an unpublished work or a work that is published solely online, in order of preference, are as follows:

• Uploading electronic files to the electronic registration system: When submitting an online application through the electronic registration system, the applicant may upload a PDF-A, PDF file, PDF package, or PDF portfolio that contains all of the

Chapter 1000 : 43


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