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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

work was created by multiple individuals (such as, multiple performers, artists, writers) or if any part of this work was prepared as a "work made for hire" for another entity.

• Yes or No: Does the work you are sending contain material created only by this author? Check "NO" to this question if the copy includes more than one performer, writer, artist, actor, or if it contains content or contributions by anyone else, even if the claim is limited to only the contribution by this author or the material has been licensed, permissioned or transferred to the claimant.

If the applicant intends to register multiple works using the unpublished collection option, the applicant should check the box marked "no" that appears next to the question "Are you registering one work?"

Works registered under the unpublished collection option are not considered "one work," even though they may be treated as a single work for registration purposes under Section 202.3(b)(4) of the regulations [i.e., for the purpose of registering the works with one application). Therefore, if the applicant answers the box marked "yes," the registration specialist will communicate with the applicant. This may delay the examination of the application. In addition, the Office may assign a later effective date of registration to the registration.

NOTE: The questions listed above appear in the online application, but they do not appear in any of the paper applications.

1106.3(B) Type of Work

When completing an online application, the applicant should select the class of work that is most appropriate for the works that the applicant intends to register and the authorship that appears in those works, namely, the predominant type of authorship that the author contributed to the work. These classes are listed under a drop down menu marked Type of Work. Identifying the class of works that will be submitted for registration is also the first step in completing a paper application. The Office has prescribed five basic classes of works that may be registered with a paper application, and each class has its own paper form.

In all cases, the applicant should use the application that is most appropriate for the type of authorship that appears in the majority of the works that will be submitted for registration. 37 C.F.R. § 202.3(b)(8)(ii)(A) n.3.

• Literary Works: When completing an online application, the applicant should select "Literary Work" in the Type of Work field if the works primarily contain nondramatic text, such as poems, short stories, or the like. When completing a paper application, the applicant should use Form TX.

• Works of the Visual Arts: When completing an online application, the applicant should select "Work of the Visual Arts" in the Type of Work field if the works primarily contain pictorial, graphic, or sculptural content, such as photographs,

Chapter 1100 : 14


Chapter _00 : 14