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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

The Office strongly encourages applicants to use the electronic registration system rather than Form SE / Group, because online applications are more efficient for both the applicant and the Office. See Registration of Claims to Copyright: Group Registration of Serial Issues Filed Electronically, 77 Fed. Reg. 66,920, 66,921 [Nov. 8, 2012).

For guidance on completing the online application and Form SE/Group, see Section 1109.7.

The applicant must submit the correct filing fee for this group registration option. See 37 C.F.R. § 202.3 (b] (6] (v] (A] (2], (b](6](v](B](2]. The current fee is set forth in the U.S. Copyright Office's fee schedule under the heading "Form SE / Group (serials] (per issue, with minimum 2 issues]" (].

For information concerning the methods for paying the filing fee, see Chapter 1400, Sections 1403.3 through 1403.5.

This Section discusses the deposit requirements for registering a group of serials.

1109.5(A) Serials Subject to the Complimentary Subscription Requirement

The deposit requirement for this group registration option varies depending on whether the Library of Congress has selected the serial for its collections.

If the serial has never been registered using the group registration option, the applicant should contact the Copyright Acquisitions Division ("CAD"] to determine whether the Library has selected the serial for its collections. Specifically, the applicant may provide the title of the serial, the name of the publisher, the International Standard Serial Number ("ISSN"] that has been assigned to the serial (if any], and the name, address, email, and phone number for the applicant using the form posted on the U.S. Copyright Office's website (]. If the Library chooses to include the serial in its collections, CAD will notify the applicant in writing. When submitting an online application, the applicant should transcribe the content of this communication in the Note to Copyright Office field. When submitting an application for group registration using Form SE/Group the applicant should attach a copy of this communication to the application.

If the Library has selected the serial for its collections, the applicant must provide the Library with two complimentary subscriptions, and the applicant must submit a letter confirming that two complimentary subscriptions have been provided. See 37 C.F.R. §§ 202.3(b](6](ii], 202.20(c](2](xvii]. The letter should identify the title of the serial, the name of the publisher, and the volume, number, and issue date for the first issue that will be delivered to the Library under the subscription. Both the letter and the subscription copies should be sent to the following address:

Library of Congress

Group Periodicals Registration

101 Independence Avenue SE


Filing Fee Requirements


Deposit Requirements

Chapter 1100 : 34


Chapter _00 : 34