Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/826

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

NOTE: CDs packaged in standard full-sized jewel boxes are more likely to survive the screening process than those packaged in slim-line cases.

In all cases, applicants are encouraged to remove any internal and external plastic packaging from the deposit. This type of material may melt during the irradiation process, which may damage the deposit.

1508.7 Special Handling

1508.7(A) How to Request Special Handling When Submitting an Application

Special handling is a procedure for expediting the examination and processing of an application. The U.S. Copyright Office offers this service in certain circumstances where a copyright owner or other interested parties have a compelling reason for the expedited issuance of a certificate of registration [e.g., as a prerequisite for bringing a copyright infringement suit in federal district court). For information concerning this procedure, see Chapter 600, Section 623.

1508.7(B) How to Request Special Handling for a Pending Application

A request for special handling may be made at any time before the U.S. Copyright Office issues a certificate of registration. If an application is currently pending, the applicant may ask the Office to process the claim on an expedited basis, provided that the applicant pays the special handling fee and provided that there is a compelling reason for the request. For information concerning this procedure, see Chapter 600, Section 623.5(D).

1508.8 Special Relief from Registration Deposit Requirements

This Section discusses the procedure for requesting special relief from the registration deposit requirements. For information concerning the procedure for requesting special relief from the mandatory deposit requirements, see Section 1511.9.

1508.8(A) What Is Special Relief?

The U.S. Copyright Office is authorized to grant special relief from the registration deposit requirements in certain circumstances. Specifically, the Office may allow the applicant to submit:

• One copy or phonorecord, or alternative identifying material (in lieu of submitting one or two copy(ies) or phonorecord(s) of the work).

• Incomplete copy(ies) or phonorecord(s) or copy(ies) or phonorecord(s) other than those normally comprising the best edition.

• Actual copy(ies) of the work (in lieu of submitting identifying material).

• Identifying material that does not comply with Section 202.21 of the Office's regulations.

Chapter 1500 : 19


Chapter _00 : 19