Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/855

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

• The title or continuing title of the work, and the episode title, if any;

• The nature and general content of the program;

• The date when the work was first fixed and whether or not fixation was simultaneous with first transmission;

• The date of first transmission (if any);

• The running time; and

• The credits appearing on the work (if any). Id. § 202.21(g)(2).

1509.2(F)(3) Motion Pictures Contained in Unviewable Formats

The U.S. Copyright Office may not have equipment to view motion pictures published in certain formats. If the applicant submits a motion picture that cannot be viewed, the separate written description must contain the following information:

• The continuing title of the work and the episode title (if any);

• The nature and general content of the program and its dialog or narration (if any);

• The running time; and

• All credits appearing on the work, including the copyright notice (if any).

37 C.F.R. § 202.21(h). At the discretion of the Office, a member of the Registration Program may communicate with the applicant in some cases to request a viewable copy of the work for examination purposes.

1509.2(F)(4) The Motion Picture Agreement

The Library of Congress may, at its sole discretion, enter into an agreement permitting the return of copies of published motion pictures to the applicant under certain conditions and establishing certain rights and obligations with respect to such copies on the part of both the applicant and the Library. See 37 C.F.R. § 202.20(c)(2)(H).

The current Motion Picture Agreement states that after a motion picture has been registered, the deposit copy will be returned to the applicant upon written request. However, the applicant may be required to resubmit a copy of the work for the Library's permanent collection within a period of two years. By signing the Agreement, the applicant agrees to provide the Library with a copy that meets the archival quality standards set forth in the Agreement in the event that the film is recalled. See Deposit Requirements; Motion Pictures, 43 Fed. Reg. 12,320, 12,322-24 (Mar. 24, 1978).

Applicants may request a copy of the Motion Picture Agreement by calling the Office's Motion Picture Team at (202) 707-8182.

Chapter 1500 : 48


Chapter _00 : 48