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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition






If the work has been changed since it was submitted for registration, and if the additions or revisions contain a sufficient amount of original authorship to qualify as a derivative work, the applicant should not submit an application for supplementary registration. Instead, the applicant should submit a new application for a new basic registration covering the revised version of the work. For a definition and discussion of derivative works, see Chapter 500, Section 507.

Issues Involving the Copyright Notice

The U.S. Copyright Office will not issue a supplementary registration to add or correct the copyright notice on the deposit copy(ies) that were submitted with the application for a basic registration. See 37 C.F.R. § 201.5(b)(2)(iii)(B).

Cancellation or Abandonment of a Basic Registration

A basic registration cannot be cancelled or abandoned with a supplementary registration. If the applicant asserts that the basic registration should be abandoned or cancelled for any reason, the U.S. Copyright Office will refuse to issue a supplementary registration. For a discussion of the procedure for cancelling a basic registration, see Section 1806. For a discussion of the procedure for abandoning a basic registration, see Chapter 2300, Section 2311.

Adverse Claims

A supplementary registration cannot be used to question or challenge the validity of a basic registration. If an applicant asserts that the U.S. Copyright Office issued a basic registration to a party who is not eligible to be named as a copyright claimant or that the application for the basic registration was filed by a party who was not authorized to register the claim, the applicant should not submit an application for supplementary registration. Instead, the applicant should assert an adverse claim in the copyright by submitting a new application for a new basic registration on behalf of the party who should have been named as the copyright claimant. See 37 C.F.R. § 202.3(b)(ll)(iii). For a discussion of the practices and procedures for asserting an adverse claim, see Section 1807.

Completing the Application

An application for supplementary registration must be submitted on Form CA, which stands for Correction and Amplification. See 37 C.F.R. § 201.5(c)(2). Currently, there is no means for seeking a supplementary registration through the electronic registration system.

Space A: Identifying the Basic Registration

An application for supplementary registration "shall clearly identify the registration to be corrected or amplified." 17 U.S.C. § 408(d). The applicant should identify the basic registration by providing the following information in space A of Form CA:

• The title of the work that appears in the basic registration (including the previous or alternative title for the work, if any).

Chapter 1800 : 19


Chapter _00 : 19