Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/989

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

information for copyright owners that wish to register their restored works with the Office.

2007.2(A) Form GATT

To register a restored work, an applicant must file a paper application using Form GATT. Applicants cannot use the Office's electronic registration system to register restored works. Form GATT is designed to request information needed to determine whether a work qualifies as a restored work and complies with U.S. legal requirements.

While many parts of Form GATT are similar to the Office's other applications, Form GATT requires information that may be different than the information required by other forms because of the differences in how the Copyright Act treats restored works. These issues are discussed in Sections 2007.2(A)(1) through 2007.2(A)(3).

2007.2(A)(1) Author of a Restored Work

When identifying the author of a restored work on Form GATT applicants should be aware of the following issues.

• Timing matters: The applicant must determine whether, at the time the work was created, the author was a national or domiciliary of a country that is now eligible for protection.

• Multiple works: Form GATT may be used to register a single work. It also may be used to register a series of works published under the same title in multiple episodes, installments, or issues during the same calendar year. In such cases, the author of each work in the series and the owner of the U.S. copyright in each work in the series must be the same, although the author and the copyright owner do not need to be the same individual or entity.

• Anonymous works: Form GATT does not allow an applicant to designate the author as anonymous. Applicants may, however, use a pseudonym in the author space as long as the pseudonym follows a legal name.

2007.2(A)(2) Publication of a Restored Work

To be acceptable for a GATT registration, a restored work must have been

first published in a foreign country that is now eligible for protection and must not have

been published in the United States within thirty days after first publication in that


2007.2(A)(3) Owners of U.S. Copyright in a Restored Work

A claim in a restored work may be registered only in the name of the current owner of all U.S. rights in that work.

Chapter 2000 : 14


Chapter _00 : 14