APPENDIX and our enemies, in despite of all human prob- ability and all imaginable disadvantages ; that as we cannot be forgetful of so great desert, so we cannot but desire to publish it to all the world, and perpetuate to all time the memory of their merits, and of our acceptance of the same ; and to that end we do hereby render our royal thanks to that our County in the most public and lasting manner we can devise, com- manding copies hereof to be printed and pub- lished, and one of them to be read in every church and chapel therein, and to be kept for- ever as a record in the same ; that as long as the history of these times and of this nation shall continue, the memory of how much that County hath merited from us and our Crown, may be derived with it to posterity. Given at our camp at Sudeley Castle, the loth of September, 1643.
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