Page:Coroners Act 2010.pdf/31

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NO. 14 OF 2010

First column Second column
(ii) Delete the words “with the written consent of the Coroner” in subsection (2)(b) and substitute the words “where the Coroner has ordered the release of the body under section 22(3)(c) of the Coroners Act 2010,”.
(b) Section 17 (i) Delete the words “Criminal Procedure Code” and substitute the words “Coroners Act 2010”.
(ii) Delete the marginal reference “Cap. 68.”.
3. Prisons Act
(Chapter 247, 2000 Ed.)
(a) Section 35 Delete the word “, Coroner,”.
(b) Section 36 Delete the words “, Justice of the Peace or Coroner” in subsections (1) and (2) and substitute in each case the words “or Justice of the Peace”.
4. Private Hospitals and Medical Clinics Act
(Chapter 248, 1999 Ed.)
(a) Section 2 Insert, immediately after the definition of “healthcare establishment”, the following definition:
““healthcare institution” means a clinical laboratory, a healthcare establishment, a medical clinic or a private hospital;”.
(b) Section 11 (i) Delete the words “The licensee of a private hospital or a healthcare establishment shall” in subsection (1) and substitute the words “The licensee of a prescribed healthcare institution shall, in accordance with such prescribed requirements as may apply to that healthcare institution,”.