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The Most Complete Book Ever Written
Covering the Subject of Autosuggestion.


Its Law and Application or the Principles
and Practise of Psychotherapeutics



This book covers every phase of the great Law of Suggestion and its application to the problems of our daily life—physical, mental and spiritual. An invaluable book for students and a revelation to the general reader.

THE NAUTILUS MAGAZINE says: "It is a veritable gamut on the subject. It covers the whole field of suggestion."

PROF. E. B. WARMAN says: "It is the best book on Suggestion published."

DR. J . W . BROUGHER says: "It is the most complete and the best work on the subject."

A Brief Synopsis of Subjects Covered:

Definition of suggestion.
Relation to conscious and subconscious mind.
Relation to hypnotism.
Relation to dreams, telepathy, etc.
Condition of operator.
Condition of subject.
Physiology of suggestion.
Psychology of suggestion.
Philosophy of suggestion.
The subconscious mind.
How to use suggestion.
—In sickness or health.

—On children and adults.
—In moral perverseness.
—To counteract bad influences.
—Treatment of one who is conscious.
Value of suggestion.
Application of suggestion or Psychotherapeutics.
Psychical diseases.
The cause of disease.
The basis of all cure.
The cure of habits.
The relief of pain.

Bound in Cloth, 472 Pages, $2.50.

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Christian Science and Kindred Subjects: Their Facts and Fallacies

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