Thoughts and Precepts of M. Emile Coué
is far greater than that. It is true that hypnotism acts through the intermediary of the nervous system; but the nervous system dominates the whole organism. The muscles are set in movement by the nerves; the nerves regulate the circulation by their direct action on the heart, and by their action on the blood vessels which they dilate or contract. The nerves act then on all the organs, and by their intermediation all the unhealthy organs may be affected. Docteur Paul Joire,
Président of the Société universelle d'Études psychiques (Bull. No. 4 of the S. L. P.)
… Moral influence has a considerable value as a help in healing. It is a factor of the first order which it would be very wrong to neglect, since in medicine as in every branch of human activity it is the spiritual forces which lead the world. Docteur Louis Renon,
Lecturing professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Paris, and doctor at the Necker Hospital.
… Never lose sight of the great principle of autosuggestion: Optimism always and in spite of everything, even when events do not seem to justify it.
René de Drabois,
(Bull. 11 of the S. L. P. A.)
Suggestion sustained by faith is a formidable force. Docteur A. L., Paris, (July, 1920.)