Extracts From Letters Addressed to M. Coué
Thus he has given man the means of increasing tenfold his moral force by giving him confidence in himself.
Docteur P. R., Francfort.
… It is difficult to speak of the profound influence exercised on me by your so kindly allowing me to view so often your work. Seeing it day by day, as I have done, it has impressed me more and more, and as you yourself said, there seems no limits to the possibilities and future scope of the principles you enunciate, not only in the physical life of children but also in possiblities for changing the ideas now prevalent in punishment of crime, in government, in fact, in all the relations of life…
Miss Josephine M. Richardson.
… When I came, I expected a great deal, but what I have seen, thanks to your great kindness, exceeds greatly my expectation.
Montagu S. Monier-Williams, M. D .,