Page:Counsels to young men (1).pdf/2

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All youth, ſet right at firſt, with eaſe go on,
And each new taſk is with new pleaſure done;
But if neglected till they grow in years,
And each fond mother, her dear darling ſpares,
Error becomes habitual, and you'll find,
'Tis then hard labour to reform the mind.

THE point of life at which you are now arrived, is a very intereſting one; and I truſt you feel that it is ſo. I ſhould have a much lower opinion, both of your underſtanding and your heart, than I am inclined to entertain, if I could ſuppoſe you felt no emotions on leaving a father's houſe, endeared to you by ſo many pleaſing recollections, and entering upon a new ſcene of life, in which you have ſo many important intereſts depending.

The preſent, my dear ſon, is to you a ſerious moment. It calls upon you to reflect, to deliberate, & to reſolve. Launching forth, as you are, into the wide ocean of the world, where you muſt rely for ſafety