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Page:Court-hand restored (IA courthandresto00wrig).djvu/115

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1 . Accounts of the Treasurer of the Chamber to Q. Mary.

To Marryners xxxiiijli iiijs iiijd ob. (34l. 4s. 4½d.)

To dyvers for theire Auytyes - mlmldlxvjli vijs ijd (2,556l. 7s. 2d.)

To the Officers of the Ladye Anne of Cleave ccxvjli xiijs iiijd (216l. 13s. 4d.)

To the Footemen ccxxxvjli xiijs iiijd (236l. 13s. 4d.)

To Johnson Messenger ls. (50s.)

To the Officers of the Jewelhowse - - xxiijli (23l.)

To yome payde by warraunte - cliiijli ixs iiijd ob. (153l. 9s. 4½d.)

To learned me and writers ... iiixxvli vijs jd (85s. 7s. Id.) To Husshers and Sewers - xlvli xijs xj d (45l. 12s. 11d.)

2. Ministers' Accounts for Berkshire. 9 James I. 1611.

Expens Seni. Et in expens Sen et al officiar di et Tenen hoc Anno venie Cu im Tenen Ac bono Regimine conservan ut bil de cel inde sup hunc Comm osten et examina pa : xlvj s. viij d.

Sma : xlvj s. viij d.

Expensa Senescalli. Et in expensis Senescalli et aliorum officiariorum domini Regis, et tenentium hoc anno venientium pro curia ibidem tenenda ac pro bono regimine conservando, prout per billam de parcellis inde super hunc computum osteusam et examinatam patet, 46s. 8d.

Summa, 46s. 8d.