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Adjornare, or Adjournare. | To adjourn. | |
Adirare | To lose. | |
Adiratus | A compensation for goods lost or stolen. | |
Adjudicatio | Pronouncing a judgment or decree. | |
Adlegiare | To purge oneself of a crime by oath (Aleier, Fr.). | |
Admensuratio. | Admeasurement, a writ for remedy against persons who usurp more than their share. | |
Adminiculum, or | Aid, support. | |
Adminiculatio | ||
Admiralis, or Admirallus | An admiral. | |
Admiralitas | Admiralty. | |
Adnichilare | To annul. | |
Adnullare | ||
Adquietare | See Acquietare. | |
Adrectare | To do right ; to make amends. | |
Adresciare | See Addressare. | |
Advanciamentum | Advancement. | |
Advantagiuni | Advantage ; the right of the lord to redeem a fief removed by the vassal from his lordship. | |
Adventura | Adventure, or venture. | |
Adventurare | To adventure, or venture. | |
Adventurarius | Adventurer. | |
Advisamentum | Advice ; consideration. | |
Advisare | To advise. | |
Advocare | To ad vow ; to justify an act done ; in boroughs, falsely to assert that goods belong to a freeman so as to evade duty. | |
Advocatio | Advowson, right of presentation to an ecclesiastical benefice ; allegation of protection or authority. | |
Advocatus | Counsellor or pleader ; avowee or advowee ; patron of a church ; protector of a corporation or community. | |
Ægyptiaei | Gypsies. | |
Ægyptii | ||
Aeria | Eyry, nest of hawks. | |
Afferare | To assess a fine. | |
Afferatores | Affeerers, persons who assess fines in courts leet and courts baron. | |
Affidare | To certify ; to swear fealty ; to affiance. | |
Affidatio | An oath. | |
Affidus | One who has pledged his faith to another. | |
Afforare | To appraise. | |
Afforciamentum | A fortress ; compulsion. | |
Afforciare | To increase, or make stronger ; to compel. | |
Afforestare | To turn land into a forest. | |
Afraia | See Afiri. | |
Affraia | Affray. | |
Affrectamentum, or' | Freight. | |
Affretamentum |