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Alodium | A free nanor. | |
Aloverium | A purse. | |
Altaragium | Altarage; offerings made upon the altar; small tithes. | |
Alterare | To change, alter. | |
Alteratio | Alteration. | |
Ambactus | Servant; client. | |
Ambassiata | An embassy. | |
Ambassiator | An ambassador. | |
Ambidexter | A juror who takes money from both sides; a swindler. | |
Ambisiata | See Ambassiata. | |
Ambra | A measure of wheat or salt, four bushels. | |
Amerciamentum | A pecuniary punishment. | |
Amerciare | To amerce, to fine. | |
Amicia | See Almucia. | |
Amictus | An amice, a linen napkin forming a hood or collar, the first vestment of a bishop or priest. | |
Ammobragium | A kind of service, qu. the same as Amabyr. | |
Amortizare | To alien lands in mortmain, to amortize. | |
Amortizatio | Amortization, alienation of tenements in mortmain. | |
Amotibilis, or Amovibilis | Removeable. | |
Ampliatio | Deferring judgment till a cause is further examined. | |
Anachoreta | Hermit; anchorite. | |
Anamelatus | Enamelled. | |
Ancoragium | Duty paid by ships when they anchor in a haven. | |
Andena | A swath; as much ground as a man can stride over; an andiron. | |
Anelaciuni | Knife, or dagger. | |
Angaria | A vexations personal service ; the Ember weeks. | |
Angeldum | The single valuation, or fine imposed on a criminal. | |
Annales | Yearling cattle. | |
Annatæ | First fruits; annates, first year's revenue of a benefice. | |
Annuale | Yearly income of a prebendary; or of a priest for celebrating an anniversary. | |
Antecessor | Ancestor; predecessor in office; a servant attending on a dean and chapter. | |
Antianitas | Seniority; ancienty. | |
Antianus | Old; ancient. | |
Antigraphus | Scribe. | |
Antiquitas | Seniority; ancienty. | |
Antistes | Bishop; abbot. | |
Antistita | Abbess. | |
Antistitium | Monastery. |