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Page:Court-hand restored (IA courthandresto00wrig).djvu/123

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Alodium A free nanor.
Aloverium A purse.
Altaragium Altarage; offerings made upon the altar; small tithes.
Alterare To change, alter.
Alteratio Alteration.
Ambactus Servant; client.
Ambassiata An embassy.
Ambassiator An ambassador.
Ambidexter A juror who takes money from both sides; a swindler.
Ambisiata See Ambassiata.
Ambra A measure of wheat or salt, four bushels.
Amerciamentum A pecuniary punishment.
Amerciare To amerce, to fine.
Amicia See Almucia.
Amictus An amice, a linen napkin forming a hood or collar, the first vestment of a bishop or priest.
Ammobragium A kind of service, qu. the same as Amabyr.
Amortizare To alien lands in mortmain, to amortize.
Amortizatio Amortization, alienation of tenements in mortmain.
Amotibilis, or Amovibilis Removeable.
Ampliatio Deferring judgment till a cause is further examined.
Anachoreta Hermit; anchorite.
Anamelatus Enamelled.
Ancoragium Duty paid by ships when they anchor in a haven.
Andena A swath; as much ground as a man can stride over; an andiron.
Anelaciuni Knife, or dagger.
Angaria A vexations personal service ; the Ember weeks.
Angeldum The single valuation, or fine imposed on a criminal.
Annales Yearling cattle.
Annatæ First fruits; annates, first year's revenue of a benefice.
Annuale Yearly income of a prebendary; or of a priest for celebrating an anniversary.
Antecessor Ancestor; predecessor in office; a servant attending on a dean and chapter.
Antianitas Seniority; ancienty.
Antianus Old; ancient.
Antigraphus Scribe.
Antiquitas Seniority; ancienty.
Antistes Bishop; abbot.
Antistita Abbess.
Antistitium Monastery.