- Argistillum—In Gloucestershire, or perhaps, Arwystli in Powys.
- Argita—Lough Foil, Londonderry; Camden erroneously applies this name to Lough Swilley.
- Ariconium—Kenchester, Ross, or Penyard Castle, Herefordshire.
- Armaca—Armagh, in Ireland.
- Armanothia—Ardmeanach, Scotland.
- Armis—Bath.
- Armone—Caernarvon.
- Arnemega—Willoughby - on - the - Wolds, Notts. See Verometum.
- Arrania—Isle of Arran, Scotland.
- Arthferdensis—Of Ardfert, co. Kerry.
- Arundelia, Arundellum—Arundel, Sussex.
- Arundinis Vadum—Redbridge, Hampshire.
- Aruntina Vallis—Arundel, Sussex.
- Arunus Flu.—The River Arun, Sussex.
- Arus—The River Aire, Yorkshire.
- Arvone—Caernarvon.
- Arvonia—Caernarvonshire.
- Asaphopolis—St. Asaph, Flintshire.
- Ascaranus—Aysgarth, Yorks.
- Athanaton, Athanatos—Isle of Thanet. See Tanathos.
- Athesis Flu.—The River Tees. See Tesa.
- Atholia—Athol, Scotland.
- Athra—Athenry, in Ireland.
- Atina Insula—Thanet. See Adtanatos.
- Atrebati—People of Berkshire.
- Attacotti—Conquered tribes north of the Roman wall.
- Aufona—River Avon, Northants.
- Augusta Trinobantum, Augusta—London.
- Augustaldia—Hexham, Northumberland.
- Aula, vel Villa Antiqua—Aldbury, Herts.
- Auna—Awn, bishopric, Ireland.
- Auravanus—See Abravannus.
- Aurea Vallis—Golden Vale, Herts.
- Ausoba—See Ansoba.
- Ausona—The River Avon, Northamptonshire.
- Auterii, Auteri—People of Galway and Roscommon, dwelling near Athenry, Ireland.
- Autona—Avon, Northants; Alton, Hants.
- Avalana—Watchcross, Cumberland. See Aballaba.
- Avalonia—Glastonbury, Somersetshire.
- Ave—River Avon, or Avin, Scotland.
- Avena Flu.—Avon, Wiltshire.
- Avenna Flu.—A fan, or Avon, Glamorganshire.
- Avennus—R. Avon, a tributary of the Clyde, Scotland.
- Aventio Flu.—River Aun, or Avon, Devon.
- Avinus—The River Avon or Avin, Scotland.
- Avona Flu.—River Avon ; River Nen, Northants.
- Avona—Bungay, Suffolk.
- Avona, Avondunum—Hampton Court, according to Leland.
- Avona Littoralis, sive Australis—Southampton.
- Avona Mediterranea, sive Borealis—Northampton.
- Avonæ Vallis—Oundle, Northamptonshire.
- Avondunum Limenorum—Southampton.
- Avonii palatium—Winchester House, Southwark.
- Axelodunum—Hexham, Northumberland ; Burgh on the Sands ; or Bowness, Cumberland.
- Axium Flu.—River Axe, Devonshire.
- Ba, Baa—Bath.
- Babaglanda—Burdoswald. See Amboglanna.
- Bachelagana, Bacheleia Sylva—Bagley Wood, Berks.
- Baddanbyrig—Badbury, Dorset.
- Badecanwella—Bakewell, Derbyshire.
- Badiza—Bath.
- Badonicus Mons—Badon hill or Bannes-down, a hill near Bath.
- Badunum—Bath .
- Bagilogana Sylva—Bagley Wood, Berks.
- Bainardi Castellum—Baynard's Castle, London.
- Bainus Pons—Bainbridge, Yorkshire.
- Bala—Bala, Merionethshire.
- Balnea, Balneodunum—Bath.
- Baltifordia—Waterford, Ireland.
- Bamfum—Banff, Scotland.
- Bana Insula—An island opposite the mouth of the River Taff, Caermarthenshire.
- Banatia—Bean Castle, Murray ; Comrie, Perthshire; or near Inverness.
- Banburia—Banbury, Oxfordshire.
- Bancornensis—Of Bangor.
- Banesinga Villa—Bensington, Oxfordshire.
- Banna—Cambeck, or Castlesteeds, Cumb. ; River Ban, Ulster.
- Bannavenna, Bannaventum—Borough Hill, near Daventry; or Weedon, Northants; or Banbury, Oxfordshire.
- Bannio—Abergavenny. See Gobannium.
- Bannochorus, Bangorium—Bangor, N. Wales.
- Bannovallum—See Bannavenna.
- Banus Flu.—The River Bain, Lincolnshire.
- Bara—Dunbar, Scotland.
- Barangæ—See Branoricum.
- Bardunus—River Bure, Norfolk.
- Barnastapula—Barnstaple, Devon.
- Baromaci—See Cæsaromagus.
- Barvicus, Barwicus—Berwick-upon-Tweed. See Abrevicum.
- Basenga, Basingum—Basingstoke, Hampshire.
- Batersega—Battersea, Surrey.
- Batha, Bathonia—Bath.
- Batilfordia—Waterford , Ireland.
- Batonicus—Of Bath.
- Bdora—R. Dore, Herefordshire.
- Beanflota—Benfleet, Essex.
- Bearrocscira—Berkshire.
- Bebba, Bebbanbyrig—Bamborough, Northumberland.
- Bedeforda—Bedford.
- Bedericia, Bedericum—St. Edmundsbury, Suffolk.
- Bedfordia—Bedford.
- Begesse—Town on the Wall of Antonine.
- Belaisena—Ballinasloe, co. Galway.
- Belerium promontorium—The Land's End.
- Belgæ, Wellæ—Wells, Somerset.
- Belgæ—The inhabitants of Somerset, Wilts and Hampshire, in Cæsar's time occupying the South Coast.
- Belinus Sinus—Billingsgate, London.
- Belisama—River Ribble, or Mersey, Lancashire.
- Bellalanda—By land, Yorkshire.
- Belloclivum, Bellodesertum—Beldesert, or Beaudesert, Warwickshire.
- Bellomariscus—Beaumaris, Isle of Anglesey.
- Bellositum—City of Oxford.
- Bellum—Battle, Sussex.