This Indenture made the thirtie daye of Januarye in the nynth yere of the reigne of our Soueraigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of God of Englande Fraunce & Irland Quene Defendour of the Faith, &c.
This Indenture made thirtenth day of November in the three and fortith yeare of the raigne of our Soueraigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of God Queene of England, &c.
Som̃s͛. ſl. Pr̃ Anthonio Younge qd̵ iuste ⁊ sine dil̵one reddat Hugoni Smythsonne Armig͛o vnū mesuagiū vnū pomariū vnū gardinū quinquagint̃ acr̃t͛re quinqꝫ, acr̃ pati viginti acr̃: pasture et vndecim solidat̃ tc.
Somerset. Scilicet. Præcipe Anthonio Youuge quod juste & sine dilatione reddat Hugoni Smythsonne Armigero unum mesuagium unum pomarium unum gardinum quinquaginta acras terrte quiuque acras prati viginti acras pasturæ et undecim solidatas etc.