"Old Obadiah Grimshaw was more than six weeks in getting to America," observed cousin Holman.
"I presume he cannot as yet tell bow he likes his new work? " asked the minister.
"No! he is but just landed; it is but one page long. I'll read it to you, shall I ? —
"Dear Paul, —
"We are safe on shore, after a rough passage. Thought you would like to hear this, but homeward-bound steamer is making signals for letters. Will write again soon. It seems a year since I left Hornby. Longer since I was at the farm. I have got my nosegay safe. Remember me to the Holmans,
"Yours, "E. H."
"That's not mucb, certainly," said the minister. "But it's a comfort to know he's on land these blowy nights."
Phillis said nothing. She kept her head bent down over ber work; but I don't think she put a stitch in, wbile I was reading the letter. I wondered if she understood what nosegay was meant; but I could not tell. When next she lifted up ber face, there were two spots of brilliant colour on the cbeeks that had been so pale before. After I bad spent an hour or two there, I was bound to return back to Hornby. I told them I did not know wben I could come again, as we — by which I mean the company — had undertaken tbe Hensleydale line; that branch for whicb poor Holdsworth was surveying when be caught his fever.
"But you'll have a holiday at Christmas," said my cousin. "Surely they'll not be such heathens as to work you then?"
"Perbaps the lad will be going bome," said the