Vintage (1898), Scarlet and Hyssop (1902), Image in the Sand (1905). Plays, Aunt Jeannie (1902), House of Defence (1907), The Climber (1908), etc.
Berdoe, Edward (1836).—Writer on Browning, etc. Browning's Message to his Time (1890), Browning Cyclopædia (1891), Biographical and Historical Notes to Browning's Complete Works (1894), Browning and the Christian Faith (1896), A Browning Primer (1904), and various books on medicine, etc.
Berenson, Bernhard (1865).—Writer on art. Venetian Painters of the Renaissance (1894), Lorenzo Lotto, an Essay on Constructive Art Criticism (1895), Florentine Painters of the Renaissance (1896), Central Italian Painters of the Renaissance (1897), Study and Criticism of Italian Art (1901), North Italian Painters of the Renaissance, A Sienese Painter of the Franciscan Legend (1910), etc.
Besant, Mrs. Anne (1847).—Theosophist. Re-incarnation (1892), Death and After (1893), Karma (1895), The Self and its Sheaths (1895), Ancient Wisdom (1897), Dharma (1899), Esoteric Christianity (1901), Pedigree of Man (1903), Wisdom of the Upanishats (1906), etc.
Binyon, Laurence (1869).—Poet and art critic. Lyric Poems (1894), London Visions, Book I. (1895), Book II. (1898), The Praise of Life (1896), Porphyrion and other Poems (1898), Odes (1900), Penthesilea (1905), Paris and Ænone (1906), etc.
Birrell, Augustine, M.P., LL.D., (1850).—Essayist, etc. Obiter Dicta (1884), Res Judicatæ (1892), Men, Women, and Books (1894), Collected Essays (1900), Miscellanies (1901). Books on Charlotte Bronté, Hazlitt, etc. Ed. Boswell's Johnson (1907).
Blaikie, John Arthur (1849).—Poet and journalist. Madrigals, Songs, and Sonnets (1870), Love's Victory (1890), and A Sextet of Singers (1895).
Blakeney, Edward Henry (1869).—Poet, etc. Voices after Sunset (1897), 'Twixt the Gold Hour and the Grey (1903), The Angel of the House (1907); has edited various classics, etc.
Bland, Mrs. Hubert ["E. Nesbit"] (1858).—Poet and novelist. Lays and Legends (1886), second series (1892), A Pomander of Verse (1895), In Homespun (1896), Secret of Kyriels (1898), Book of Dragons (1900), Five Children and It (1902), The Phœnix and the Carpet (1904), The Railway Children (1906), Salome and the Head (1908), etc.
Bloundelle-Burton, John Edward (1850).—Novelist. Silent Shore (1886), Desert Ship (1890), Denounced (1896), A Bitter Heritage (1899), A Branded Name (1903), A Woman from the Sea (1907), and Last of her Race (1908), etc.
Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen (1840).—Poet, etc. Love Sonnets of Proteus (1880), Future of Islam (1882), The Wind and the