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But not alone on Scotland’s plains
Be Freedom’s flag unfurled;
Oh, let her life-inspiring strains
Resound thro’ all the world;
May Grace promote the glorious eause
Of freedom, truth, and equal laws,
Till love unite both Greek and Jew
In peace beneath the Banner blue!


[Margaret Lanchlison, 63; and Margaret Wilson, 18.]

When Havoe’s hounds, in Seotland's “killing time,”
Deep stained her heather with her martyrs’ blood,
Then soeial worship was a eivil erime,
That filled the dungeon, and abashed the flood.

Two lustrous pearls enrieh Immanuel’s erown,
As these two Marg’rets* join the martyr train;
What tho’ a tyrant’s tool their bodies drown?—
Better they die than Jesus cease to reign.

That Widow cleaves to Him who proved her stay,
When the fond arm on which she trusted failed;
That Maiden, budding in life’s dewy May,
Before Oppression’s frown has never quailed.

They toss the corded Matron to the tide,
And ruthless halberts bruise her bosom faint ;—
“What see I there,” the Martyr-Maid replied,

“But Jesus wrestling in His faithful saint?

*Marguerite signifies a pearl.