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The i. boke of Moſes.

The xij. Chap. Fo. v.


And Arphachſad begat Sala, and Sala begat Eber. Eber begat two ſonnes: the name of the one was Peleg, becauſe that in his tyme the worlde was deuyded, and his brothers name was Jaketan, And Jaketan begat Almodad, Saleph, Hazarmaphet, Jarah, Hadoram, Vſal, Dikela, Obal Abimael, Seba, Ophir, Heuila ⁊ Joabab: All theſe are ye childrē of Jaketan. And their dwellynge was from meſa, tyll thou come vnto Sephara a mountayne of ye eaſt. Theſe are ye children of Sem in their generacions, tunges, londes and people.

This is now ye generacion of ye children of Noe in their kynreds ⁊ people. Of theſe were ye people vpon earth ſpred a brode after ye floude.

The XI. Chapter.


MOrouer all the worlde had one tonge ⁊ language. Now as they wente [footnote 1]towarde the Eaſt, they founde a playne in ye londe of Synear, ⁊ there they dwelt, ⁊ ſaide one to another: Come on, let vs make bryck ⁊ burne it. And they toke bryck for ſtone, ⁊ ſlyme for morter, And ſayde: Come, let vs buylde a cite ⁊ a tower, whoſe toppe maye reach vnto heauē, yt we maye make vs a name, afore we be ſcattred abrode in all londes. Then came ye LORDE downe, to ſe ye cite ⁊ tower, yt ye childrē of mē had buylded. And ye LORDE ſaide: Beholde, the people is one, ⁊ haue one maner of language amōge thē all, ⁊ this haue they begonne to do, ⁊ wil not leaue of from all yt they haue purpoſed to do. Come on, let vs go downe, ⁊ cōfounde their tonge euē there, yt one vnderſtonde not what another ſaieth.[crossref 1] Thus ye LORDE ſcatred thē frō thēce in all lōdes, ſo yt they left of to buylde the cite. Therfore is it called Bebell, becauſe the LORDE cōfounded there the language of all the worlde, and from thēce ſcatred them abrode in to all londes.


Theſe are ye generacions of Sem. Sem was an hundreth yeare olde, and begat Arphachſed two yeare after the floude, and lyued therafter fyue hūdreth yeare, and begat ſonnes and doughters.

Arphachſad was fiue ⁊ thirtie yeare olde, and begat Salah, and lyued therafter foure hundreth and thre yeare, and begat ſonnes ⁊ doughters.


Salah was thirtie yeare elde, and begat Eber, ⁊ lyued therafter foure hūdreth ⁊ thre yeare, ⁊ begat ſonnes and doughters.

Eber was foure and thirtie yeare olde, ⁊ begat Peleg, and lyued therafter foure hundreth and thirtie yeare, and begat ſonnes ⁊ doughters.

Peleg was thirtie yeare olde, and begat Regu, and lyued therafter two hūdreth and nyene yeare, and begat ſonnes ⁊ doughters.

Regu was two and thirtie yeare olde, and begat Serug, and lyued therafter two hundreth and ſeuen yeare, and begat ſonnes and doughters.

Serug was thirtie yeare olde, and begat Nahor, and lyued therafter two hundreth yeare, and begat ſonnes ⁊ doughters.

Nahor was nyene and twentye yeare olde, and begat Terah, and lyued herafter an hundreth and nyentene yeare, and begat ſonnes and doughters.


Terah was ſeuentie yeare olde, and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran.

Theſe are the generations of Terah: Terah begat Abram, Nabor and Haran. And Haran begat Lot, but Harā dyed before Terah his father in ye londe where he was borne, at Vr in Chaldea.[crossref 2]

Then Abram and Nahor toke them wyues. Abrams wife was called Sarai, ⁊ Nahors wyfe Milca the doughter of Haran, which was father of Milca and Jiſca. But Sarai was baren, and had no childe.[crossref 3]

Then toke Terah Abrā his ſone, ⁊ Lot his ſonne Harans ſonne, ⁊ Sarai his doughter in lawe, his ſonne Abrams wife, ⁊ caried them wt him from Vr in Chaldea, to go in to the lande of Canaan.[crossref 4] And they came to Haran, ⁊ dwelt there. And Terah was two hundreth ⁊ fyue yeare olde, and dyed in Haran.

The XII. Chapter.


ANd ye LORDE ſayde vnto Abram: Get the out of thy countre, and from thy kynred, and out of thy fathers houſe, in to a londe which I wil ſhew the. And I wil make of the a mightie people, and wyll bleſſe the, and make the a greate name, yee thou ſhalt be a very bleſſynge. I wil bleſſe them that bleſſe the, and curſe them that curſe the: and in the ſhal all the generacions of the earth be bleſſed.[crossref 5]

Then wente Abram out, as the LORDE commaunded him, and Lot wente with him. Fyue ⁊ ſeuentie yeare olde was Abrā, whan he wente out of Haran. So Abram toke Sarai his wife, and Lot his brothers ſonne, wt all their goodes which they had gotten, and ſoules which they begat in Harā, and departed to go in to ye londe of Canaan.[crossref 6] And whē they were come in to the ſame londe, he wente thorow, tyll he came vnto the place of Sichem, and vnto the Oke groue of More: for ye Cananites dwelt in ye lōde at ye ſame time.[crossref 7]


Then the LORDE appeared vnto Abrā,

  1. Some reade: *frō the eaſt
  1. Deu. 32. a
  2. Ioſu. 24. a
    1. Par. 1. b
  3. Gen. 20. c
    Gen. 22. d
  4. Ioſu. 24. a
    2. Eſd. 9. b
    Iudit. 5. b
  5. Gen. 17. d
    Gene. 18. c
    Gen. 22. c
    Acto. 3. d
  6. Gen. 14. c
  7. Gen. 10. d and 13. a