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The i. boke of Moſes.

The xviij. Chap. Fo. vij.

and thy ſede after the thorow out their poſterities, that it maye be an euerlaſtinge couenaunt, ſo that I wyll be the God of the, and of thy ſede after the. And vnto the and to thy ſede after the, will I geue the lande, wherin thou art a ſtraunger: euen all the lande of Canaan for an euerlaſtinge poſſeſſion, and will be their God.


And God ſayde morouer vnto Abraham: Repe my couenaunt then, thou and they ſede after the.[crossref 1] This is my couenaunt which ye ſhal kepe betwene me and you, and thy ſede after ye thorow out their poſterites. Euery manchilde that is amonge you ſhalbe circumcyded: and ye ſhall circumcyde the forſkynne of yor fleſh This ſame ſhalbe a token of the couenaunt betwene me and you. Euery manchilde whan it is eight dayes olde, ſhalbe circūcyded thorow out youre poſterities: In like maner all houßholde folkes borne at home, or bought, or eny other alſo that is a ſtraūger and not of thy ſede.[crossref 2] Thus ſhall my couenaunt be in youre fleſh for an euerlaſtinge couenaunt. And yf there ſhalbe any manchilde vncircumcided in the foreſkinne of his fleſh, his ſoule ſhalbe roted out from his people, becauſe he hath broken my couenaunt.


And God ſayde vnto Abraham: Sarai thy wyfe ſhall nomore be called Sarai, but Sara ſhal be hir name: for I will bleſſe her, and people ſhall come of her, yee and kynges of many people.[crossref 3] Then fell Abrahā vpō his face, and laughed, and ſayde in his hert: Shal a childe be borne vnto me that am an hundreth yeare olde? And ſhall Sara yt is nyentie yeare olde, beare? And Abrahā ſayde vnto God: O that Iſrael might lyue in thy ſight. Then ſayde God: Yee euen Sara thy wyfe ſhall beare the a ſonne, and thou ſhalt call his name Iſaac: for with him wil I make my euerlaſtinge couenaunt, and with his ſede after him.[crossref 4] And as concernynge Iſmael alſo, I haue herde thy requeſt: Beholde, I haue bleſſed him, and will increaſe him, and multiplye him exceadingly.[crossref 5] Twolue prynces ſhal he beget, and I wyll make a greate nacion of him.


But my couenaunt wyll I make wt Iſaac, whom Sara ſhall beare vnto the, euē this tyme twolue moneth. And he left of talkynge with him, and God wente vp from Abraham. Than toke Abraham his ſonne Iſmael, and all the ſeruauntes borne in his houſe, and all that were bought,(as many as were men children in his houſe,) and circumcyded the foreſkynne of their fleſh, euen the ſame daye, as God had ſayde vnto him. And Abraham was nyentie yeare olde and nyne, whan he cut of the foreſkynne of his fleſh. As for Iſmael, he was thirtene yeare olde, whan the foreſkynne of his fleſh was circumcyded. Euen vpon one daye were they all circumcyded. Abraham, and Iſmael his ſonne, and all the men in his houſe,(whether they were borne at home, bought, or eny other ſtraunger:) they were all circumcyded with him.

The XVIII. Chapter.


ANnd the LORDE apeared vnto him in the Okegroue of Mamre, as he ſat in his tent dore in the heate of of ye daie.[crossref 6] And as he lift vp his eyes, and loked, beholde, there ſtode thre men ouer agaynſt him. And whan he ſawe them, he ranne to mete them from his tent dore, and bowed him ſelf downe vpon the grounde, and ſayde: LORDE, yf I haue founde fauoure in thy ſight, go not by yi ſeruaūt.[crossref 7] There ſhalbe brought you a litle water, ⁊ ye ſhall waſh yor fete, ⁊ reſt youre ſelues vnder the tre.[crossref 8] And I wyll fet you a morſell of bred, to comforte youre hertes withall, and then ſhall ye go youre wayes, for therfore are ye come to youre ſeruaunt. They ſayde: do euen ſo as thou haſt ſpoken:

Abraham wente a pace in to the tent to Sara, and ſayde: Make haiſt, ⁊ meingle thre peckes of fyne meele, knede it, and bake cakes.[crossref 9] And he ranne to the beaſtes, ⁊ fet a calf that was tender and good, and gaue it vnto a yonge man, which made it ready at once. And he toke butter and mylke and of the calfe that he had prepared, and ſet it before thē, ſtode him ſelf by them vnder the tre, ⁊ they ate.[crossref 10] Then ſayde he: aboute this tyme twole moneth,[footnote 1](yf I lyue) I will come to the agayne, and Ezara thy wyfe ſhal haue a ſonne: And

  1. Act. 7. a
  2. Luc. 2. c
    Leui. 12. a
    Gen. 21. a
  3. Matt. 1. a
  4. Gen. 16. c
    Iud. 13. b
    4. Re. 13. a
    Luc. 1. c
  5. Gen. 25. b
  6. Gen. 19. a
  7. 1. Re. 28. c
  8. Iudi. 19. b
    Pſal. 103. b
  9. Matt. 11. c
    Luc. 11. b
  10. Tob. 12. b
    Iud. 13. c
  1. Some reade:
