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Page:Cowie's Printer's pocket-book and manual.djvu/25

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Papers.—All composition to cease when the day's publication goes to press; any work required afterwards to be paid for extra, or deducted from the first work of the next publication.—This does not apply to Second Editions; they being connected solely with the antecedent Paper, must be paid for extra.

Newspapers in a foreign language take, of course, the same advance as is allowed on Book-work.

A system termed Finishing having been formerly introduced, it is necessary to state, that no mode of working can be considered fair (except as before stated) otherwise than by the galley or hour.

No Apprentices to be employed on Daily Papers.


To cast off manuscript with accuracy and precision, is an essential object, but a very unpleasant and troublesome task, requiring great attention and mature deliberation. Much difficulty and trouble are occasioned with copy irregularly written, containing interlineations, erasures, and variations in the size of the paper; to these irregularities the attention must be closely directed, but they will too frequently baffle the best endeavours at calculation. Such a slovenly mode of sending works to press cannot be too much deprecated.

The first thing necessary is to take a comprehensive view of the copy, and to notice whether it is written even, whether it has many interlineations, &c. the number of break lines, and whether divided into chapters and sub-heads, so that allowances may be made in the calculation, that the plan of the work may not afterwards be infringed on. These observations should be entered as a memorandum on a separate piece of paper, to assist the memory and save the trouble of re-examining the manuscript.