line for the letter that is designed for it, and take notice how much copy will come into the line in the stick, whether less or more than a line of manuscript. And as it is seldom that neither one nor the other happens, we make a mark in the copy where the line in the stick ends, and number the words that it contains. But as this is not the safest way for casting off close, we count not only the syllables but even the letters that are in a line in the stick, of which we make a memorandum, and proceed to set off a second, third, or fourth line, till a line of copy falls even with a line in the stick. And as we did to the first line in the stick, so we do to the other, marking on the manuscript the end of each line in the stick, and telling the letters in each, to see how they balance against each other. This being carefully done, we begin counting off, each time, as many lines of copy as we know will make even lines in the stick: For example, if two lines of copy make three lines in print, then four make six, six make nine, eight make twelve, and so on, calling every two lines of copy three lines in print.
"In like manner we say, if four lines make five, then eight make ten, and so on, comparing every four lines of copy to five lines in print.
"And in this manner we carry our calculation on as far as we have occasion, either for pages, forms, or sheets.
"The foregoing calculations are intended to serve where a line of print takes in less than a line of copy, and therefore where a line of print takes in more than a line of copy, the problem is reversed, and instead of saying, if two lines make three, we say, in this case, if three lines of copy make two lines in print, then six lines make four, nine make six, twelve make eight, and so on, counting three lines of copy to make two lines in print. In this manner we may carry our calculation to what number of pages, forms, or sheets we will, remembering always to count off as many lines of copy at once, as we have found they will make even lines in