Castle, the Royal, on Wawel Hill; Romanesnue period, 5 ff.; Gothic parts, 84; Renascence palace, 129 ff. [55, 56]
Cathedral, on the Wawel; its archives, 14; Romanesque period. 8 f. [2]; Gothic parts, 59 ff. [18, 19]; chapels, 66 ff. [60]; the Sigismund Chapel, 132 ff. [57, 58]; sculptures there, 147; paintings, 164 [92]; objects of applied art, 189 [93]; objects of art in the Cathedral: sculptures, 91 ff., [33, 34, 41], 102 [45], 149 ff. [68, 69], 153, 154 [72]; 16 [75, 76]; paintings, 108 f.; applied art, 192 f. [93, 94, 95]
Cathedral Schools, 26
Cellari, 151
Celtes, Conrad, 118
Ceptowski, Charles (sc), 155
Cercha, Ezekiel (p), 172
Certowicz, Tola (sc), 156
Charles Gustavus, King of Sweden, 80
Charles XII, King of Sweden, 123
Chelmonski, Joseph (p), 184
Chmielowski, belt manufacturer, 198
Cini, Giovanni (sc), 147
Ciolek, Erasmus, 119
Clouet, Jean (p), 173
Codex picturatus, cf. Behem
Conrad II, Emperor, 6
Cox, Leonard, English scholar, 118
Crayer, Gaspard (p), 196
Crivelli, Carlo (p), 173
Cynk, Florian (p), 181
Czajkowski, Joseph (p), 186
Czapski, Emerick, Count, 126
Czartoryski, Duke Ladislaus, 125
Czechowicz, Simon (p), 171
Czehel, Sedziwoj, 29
Czeslaw, St., 76
Dankerts de Ry (a, p), 169
Dankwart, Charles (p), 171
Danninger, John, brass-founder, 68
Daun, Alfred (sc), 156
Dembinski, Valentine, 148
Dietl, President, 125
Dlugosz, John, chronicler, 29
Dominican Church and Convent, 14, 15, 76 ff., 137; objects of art: sculpture, 91, 100 [51], 151, 153 [70]; painting, 110 [47, 48]
Dürer, Andrew (g), 190
Dürer, Hans (p), 164
Durink, Stanislas (p), 108
Eckius, 118
Ekielski, Ladislaus (a), 145
Eleuter-Siemiginowski, George (p), 171
Elgot, 29