Machniewicz, Francis (p), 183
Maczynski, Francis (a), 145
Maderna (a), 139
Madzarski, belt manufacturer, 198
Malczewski, Hyacinth, Prof, (p), 186
Maria Josepha, Queen of Poland, 123
Mark, St., Church of, 82
Mary's, St., Church [frontispiece, illustrations 22-24, 35-40, 10, 17, 42, 44, 46, 94], 72-76, 23, 37, 81, 91, 96, 99, 100, 102, 113, 137, 148, 151, 152, 167, 180, 188, 193, 198
Maslowski, belt manufacturer, 198
Meckenen, Israel van [e], 110
Medallion-maker of 1517 (anonymous), 192
Mehofer, Joseph, Prof, (p), 186
Memorials: Bojan's, in the Municipal Gardens, 156; Copernicus's, in the University Library, 156; Fredro's, in front of the Theatre, 156; Grottger's, 158 [74]; Jagello's, 161 [77]; Mickiewicz's, 159
Mertensy, J. (p), 170
Michalowski, Peter (p), 176
Miechowita, 29
Mieszko II, 6
Mogila, see Cistercians
Mokrski, Florian, Bishop, 70
Monti, Innocent (p), 171
Moraczewski, M. (a), 145
Morstin, Nicholas, 54
Mroczkowski, A. (p), 183
Muczkowski, Joseph, 124
Murner, Thomas, 118
Museum: of the Czapski family, 126; of the Czartoryski family [82-85], 8, 104, 107, 125, 165 [20], 167, 172, 196; National Museum, 36, 46, 91, 108, 110, 125, 126, 156, 171, 180 [32, 43, 73, 80, 86, 87]
Nicholas of Blonia, 29
Nicholas of Kres (p), 108
Nidecki, 119
Nobile, Pietro (a), 68
Norbertine nuns, cf. Premonstratenses
Odrzywolski, Slavomir (a), 145
Ognazd, John, 108
Olivieri, Peter Paul (a), 139
Olszewski, Professor, 125
Otto III, Emperor, 5
Otto, Bishop of Bamberg, 8
Pagani, Paul (p), 171
Palace of Art, 145
Palace at Wola Justowska, 120
Palace Royal, cf. Castle