Page:Cradle Tales of Hinduism .djvu/115

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Having pondered long and carefully over the matter, she went to her mother, and in her presence sent for the same confidential servant — 2 kind of chaplain to the royal household — who had found herself and brought her back from exile to the city of the Vidarbhas. Having her mother's full sanction, but keeping the matter secret from Bhima, Damayanti turned to this Brahmin, Sudeva, and said, *< Go straight as a bird, Sudeva, to the city of Ayodhya and tell Rituparna the King that Bhima's daughter, Damayanti, will once more hold a swayamvara. Kings and princes from all parts are coming to it. Knowing not whether the heroic Nala lives or not, it is decided that she is again to choose a husband. To-morrow at sunrise, say thou, when thou seest him, the ceremony will take place." And Sudeva, bowing before the Queen-mother and her daughter, left the royal presence, and proceeded to Ayodhya.

When Rituparna heard the news, he sent im- mediately for Vahuka, the charioteer. If he desired in one day to reach the city of the Vidarbhas, there was only one driver in the world who could enable him to do so. '< Exert thyself, O Vahuka 1 " he exclaimed. '< Damayanti, daughter of Bhima, holds to-morrow a second swayamvaraf and I desire to reach the city this very day I "

Hearing these words Nala felt as if his heart would break. "What I" he thought to himself,