Page:Cradle Tales of Hinduism .djvu/205

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passed, however, and the tears of Krishna brought them all back to life. For His mercy and love could not fail to give life and strength, and He poured them out in abundance over His fainting friends.

Now^ such was the poison of the Lake Kaliya that nothing could remain alive near its banks. The very birds, as they flew across it, fell down dead. The grass and the plants in its neighbour- hood became withered and burnt up. The forest appeared to have retreated from its edge. And the only living thing to be seen was a vigorous kodumbha tree, on whose branches an eagle — the Bird of God — had once perched. Even the mist and spray that might rise from the lake had the effect of poison. As Krishna therefore looked on the surrounding desolation, and realised the danger from which His friends had just escaped. His heart grew hot within Him, and the thought arose in His mind that He would rid the world of the poisonous serpent Kaliya, with his hundred heads, and deliver men and animals and plants from his terror. He climbed, therefore, to the top of the kodumbha tree, and making His way out to the end of a long branch, He stood there a moment, and then, with a great leap, dived into the lake. His friends the cowherds stood breath- less on the shore as He splashed about in the water, striking it with His fists and creating whirl-