Page:Cradle Tales of Hinduism .djvu/227

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But, strange to say, the country yokels would not look at Him! With eyes cast on the ground, or heads averted, stood these herdsmen and women of Brindaban, uttering not one word, casting not one glance, in the direction of the Prince Who stood before them 1 Then Krishna understood the desire of their hearts, and going out of their presence for a moment, He put off the robes and jewels of state, and, smiling, came back to them, clad in the simple garments of the cowherds. On His head now was the tiny circlet, with the peacock's feather in the front. In His right hand He carried the flute. And His feet were bare. And when they saw Him in this, the beloved form of earlier days, the hearts of those country-folk were glad. Calling Him again to play upon His flute to them, they romped and played and sang all day with Him amongst the royal gardens, even as of old in the meadows and woods of Brindaban. How they rejoiced in calling to mind the happy past ! " Ah 1 " they would sing, <* now we cannot see You, for You are on the elephant. But say, do You remember the grazing of the cows ? Now, how can we talk with You, You who wear the diadem ? But tell us, what have You to say about your stealing of the butter ? " And so in a kind of hide- and-go- seek of happy memories, the hours were passed, and Krishna was once more a peasant amongst