Page:Cradle Tales of Hinduism .djvu/277

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little face, as if in that one short day it had grown much older. And Suniti sighed, for she knew that all the happy years of his childhood were behind them. He would never be her baby any more.

But when he had finished his meal — for to speak while eating would have been grave dis- respect ! — Druwa told her exactly what had happened, and the two sat sad and silent for awhile. Then he asked a strange question : " Mother ! is there any one in the world who is stronger than my father ? "

" Oh yes, my child ! " she answered, thinking of the Lord Krishna, and half shocked at Druwa's ignorance, " Oh yes, my child, the Lotus-Eyed ! "

The solemn little face grew all eagerness. " And mother, where dwells He ? " he asked. " Oh, far far away I " she answered vaguely, and then, seeing that she must give a reply, — " Deep in the heart of the forest, where the tiger lives, and the bear, there dwells the Lotus-Eyed, my son ! "

Druwa said little more. A voice seemed to be sounding in his heart. It was so loud that sometimes he wondered if his mother did not hear it. From far far away in the depths of the forest it called, " Come to me ! Come to me ! " and he knew that it was the voice of the Lotus-Eyed, in Whom was all strength.