Page:Cradle Tales of Hinduism .djvu/312

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Prithi Rai, Last of the Hindu Knights


Now in the days of the old Hindu knighthood of India, there were four great cities where strong kings lived, who claimed that between them they ruled the whole of the country. And some of these cities you can find on the map quite easily, for three of them at least are there to this day. They were Delhi, Ajmere, Guzerat, and Kanauj, and one of them, Guzerat, is now known as Ahmedabad.

The King who sat on the throne of Delhi was the very flower of Hindu knights. Young, handsome, and courageous, a fearless horseman and a brave fighter, all the painters in India painted the portrait, and all the minstrels sang the praises, of Prithi Rai; but loudest of all sang his own dear friend, Chand, the court-bard of Delhi.

Prithi Rai's life had not been all play by any means. His duty, as a king, was greater than that of other knights, since he had of course to defend his people. And already he had had