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Miss Austen

Oh, did you—thanks ever so much.

Mrs. Harold

She’s gettin’ a vase for them.

Miss Austen

They’re lovely, aren’t they?

Mrs. Harold

Yes, they’re handsome.
[She goes out on to the porch again, and Mazie comes in through the portières, carrying a vase of pink roses, which she puts on the upper corner of the small grand piano at the left.

Mazie (calling out through the French windows to Mrs. Harold)

Did the paper come yet, Mrs. Harold?

Mrs. Harold

Yes, I just brought it in,—it’s there on the table.
[Mazie turns and comes back to the table, picks up the paper, and strolls forward, holding it up as though to allow the light from a window at the right to fall upon it.


More rain again to-morrow.

Mrs. Harold (answering her from the front porch)

Does it say so?


Unsettled to-night and Friday—probably thunder showers. Slightly cooler, with moderate winds,

Mrs. Harold (coming in)

I don’t know where all the rain is comin’ from.


It isn’t very nice weather for Mrs. Craig, is it?

Mrs. Harold (moving forward to the piano)