Page:Crazy Jane (2).pdf/4

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An' wha. but my braw sickle wooer was there?
Wha star'd as if he'd seen a warlock.

Out owre my left shoulder I gied him a blink,
Lest neighbours should say I was saucy,
My wooer he capered as he had been in drink,
And vow'd that I was his dear lassie.

I spar’d for my cousin fu' couthy and sweet,
And it she had recover'd her hearing
And how my auld shoon fitted her shachel'd feet,
Gade safe us as he fell a swearing

He begg'd me for gudesake that I'd be his wife,
Or else I wad kill him wi' sorrow:
And just to preserve the poor body in life,
I think I will wed him to morrow.


When trees did bud and fields were green,
broom bloom'd fair to see;
When Mary was complete fifteen,
love laugh'd in her ee .

Blythe Davie's blinks her heart did move,
to speak her mind thus free,
Gang down the burn Davie, love,
and I shall follow thee.

Now Davie did each lad surpass,

that dwelt on this burn-side,