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- 128 - CHAPTER 5

More Information about Open Access and OER Advocacy

  • ROARMAP: Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates and Policies, by the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton.
    This is a searchable international registry of existing Open Access policies, including their terms and details:
  • “OER and Advocacy: What Can Librarians Do?” by the University of Toronto Libraries.
    This contains resources and information on how librarians can support OER adoption, and it also provides some faculty perspectives on OER:
  • “Scholarly Communication Toolkit: Scholarly Communication Overview,” by the Association of College & Research Libraries.
    This is a toolkit to help librarians integrate a scholarly communication perspective into library operations and programs, as well as prepare presentations on scholarly communication issues for administrators, faculty, staff, students, and other librarians:

More Information about Emerging Models of Open Access Publishing